Vic Shihang Li
Hello there! I'm Vic, a second-year CS PhD student at the University of Washington. I am a part of the UW Computer Systems Lab, advised by Simon Peter. I also work closely with other faculty in the lab, lately with Tom Anderson, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and Ratul Mahajan.
Before UW, I worked with Malte Schwarzkopf and Adam Belay as a member of the ETOS group at Brown. Before that, I studied Finance and CS as an undergraduate at NYU Stern School of Business.
I find teaching deeply rewarding. I have TAed for the following courses:
- CSCI 0300: Fundamentals of Computer Systems @ Brown
- CSCI 1760: Multiprocessor Synchronization @ Brown
- STAT-GB.2308.10: Stochastic Processes @ NYU
I enjoy taking pictures, snowboarding, mildly spirited backroad driving, and a healthy dose of metaprogramming :)
Below are some photos I took on my cross-country roadtrip from New York to Seattle in the summer of 2023.
Lately I have been shooting with prime lenses exclusively. Here're some 35mm shots: